COMPASS Contractor Banner

CES is proud to be ranked #6 out of 3027 subcontractors on the 2023 top subcontractors SELECT List through COMPASS.

COMPASS, by Bespoke Metrics, provides an unbiased 3rd party assessment of subcontractors based on transparency and performance across Finance, Business and H&S metrics.

Our goal is to reduce supply chain risk through Quality-Based Subcontractor Selection.

Selection Criteria


Green Q Score

Based on the COMPASS 1Form submission


Ratios > Industry Average

Above average metrics relative to peers



Financials must be updated within six months of FYE

prepared icon

Externally Prepared

Financials must be extremely prepared where revenue > $5M



Ratios are calculated across Businesses, Finance, and H&S



High degree of completion across all 1Form sections


We currently, and have maintained for five straight years, a perfect 2500 Contractor Score, which is determined by short-term liquidity and management capacity of the contractor relative to its own needs.

Contemporary Electrical Services, Inc

1954 Isaac Newton Square West

Reston, USA-Virginia 20190

Has a Contractor Score of


Effective Date as of Latest Financial Statements Submitted

June 30th, 2022

0 - 350 Weak

350 - 650 Fair

650 - 1000 Good

Over 1000 Excellent


This financial information has been prepared by CONTRACTOR SCORE for the purpose of providing interested parties with general information about the Company. The data included was derived from the books and records of the Company. Although such information is believed to present fairly the history and business of the Company, CONTRACTOR SCORE does not make any representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the contents of these financial metrics. CONTRACTOR SCORE, specifically, is only calculating data provided to CONTRACTOR SCORE by the Company. CONTRACTOR SCORE has, in no manner, attempted to verify the information provided to them.


Parties wishing to pursue business with the Company shall be responsible for the verification of any information upon which they may make any decisions.


The underlying financial information to Contractor Score is treated as confidential. The recipient shall use such information only for the purpose of evaluating conduction of business with the Company and not in any manner or for any purpose adverse to the interests of the Company. Contractor Score is in no way a guarantee of the company’s future performance.